
Family Time

Sunday started off with Chad going to work and the girls and I going to Church. It's always hard when Chad works so hard and long 6 days a week, and then Sunday he has to have meetings, make some deliveries, and make sure the packing house is ready for Monday morning.

When Chad got home yesterday we had the special treat of getting some Mexican food for lunch. Then we just laid in bed all day and watch fishing DVDs! It's not very often that we have a couple hours to just burn, but Teagen to an EXTRA long nap and Maya went back and forth between fishing movies and Hannah Montana.

Chad got a hold of these DVDs that have fishing off of Cabo San Lucas (his stomping ground) and also off of the Los Suenos (Costa Rica/Panama) coast. It made us miss fishing so much! They were catching a ton of marlin, dorado (mahi mahi) and tuna. They even showed a grand slam, which is a blue marlin, a strip marlin, and a sail fish. I was lucky enough to get that on my first day of fishing ever! (I'm told people pay thousands of dollars to try and do that. But I had the best captain and deck hand around . . . Chad and his dad!!) Watching these took us right back to when we were in Mexico! We can't wait to go back, hopefully this fall, and have Maya experience it all. At the end of the day, the kids were in bed, and we had to force ourselves to turn off the TV and go to sleep! WE'RE ADDICTED!

1 comment:

Jason&Linze said...

Glad you guys are enjoying our videos. We watched them for 3 days and there are tons more