
Could It Really Be?

Could it really be time for my sweet little baby girl to go to school . . . everyday. . .at an elementary school? It feels like it was just blink from the day Maya made me a mommy until today.

Yesterday Maya had her kindergarten assessment. This is so the teachers know where each student is at and they can prepare for them and create the classes to match what is best. I absolutely LOVE her school. There were a couple of the kindergarten teachers there and they all see so wonderful. The teacher who assessed Maya said, "Boy she's sure wants to come to kindergarten, doesn't she?" I told her Maya would be just fine starting tomorrow if she could. Maya is so excited about her school, meeting new friends, and she's really wants to learn. Right now she is learning how to spell a few words, but when we are talking in a conversation she will say something like, "Hey mom, do you want to get a d-g-a-h-e-j-n?" She just throws out letter thinking she is spelling something. I am amazed everyday at how intelligent my little girl is.

So we have a couple more months until Maya is officially in "elementary school". Part of me wishes I could keep her small forever, and the other part of me dreams everyday of the person she will become, the places she will travel, and the people she will meet. For now I cherish this time and try and soak it all in!

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