
Home Away From Home

Pictures from Lake Tahoe

Teagen's mohawk - getting ready for the boat

Maya driving the boat with Papa

Teagen at the beach

Maya on the Bonzai with Auntie Sheena and Uncle B

Teagen asleep in the tube on the beach

Teagen and Aunt Sheena

Cousin Brody (Lindsey's Cousin's Son)

Maya in the lake

Mommy helping Maya use the "outdoor" bathrooms

Aunt Roxi and Maya in the tent Papa built

Lindsey: hard at work on the deck

Maya and Gigi on the raft going down Truckee River

Teagen in the raft

Our last night - out to dinner (Teagen is slept the ENTIRE time!)


Those crazy Lewis' said...

Oh my gosh Lindsey...I have been thinking about you and found your blog through Matt and Jill. I love your little family! Your girls are beautiful. How old are they? Richard and I just had our fourth girl ~ can you believe that? I would love to hear what you've been up to.

Those crazy Lewis' said...

Lindsey I have been trying to email you but it keeps getting sent back! email me richardlewisjr@gmail.com